LIKE A BOSS!                       

E-commerce is the selling and purchase of products or services via the internet, while digital marketing involves marketing services or products through the digital platform. Digital marketing is essential for promoting and advertising products/services to facilitate online purchases and connect with the audience. Most of the digital platform used for digital marketing includes social media, email campaigns, digital content, and search engines.

Therefore, with ecommerce, you can make income and become a boss because it facilitates your services/products and help you connect with the audience to the global level. Despite providing the best solution for selling and marketing your products, digital marketing has advantages and disadvantages.  Of course, we can think about the disadvantages, to be honest in every business there are some levels of disadvantages and E-commerce is no different.  So, I will let you think for yourself what disadvantages are if that is what you really want.  In this article however I will focus on all the advantages that can and will lead you to becoming your own boss. Becoming your own boss is the goal of every entrepreneur, business owner and I am sure you the reader.  So, let’s explore the advantages of E-commerce

Major Advantages of Digital Marketing                                   

• Cost-effective

Starting and running Ecommerce is cost-effective than physical retail stores because it eliminates the need of hiring many employees, renting space for hosting your products/services, and the startup cost is also lower.


• Attracts more income         


Digital marketing attracts a lot of income because it can operate 24/7, provided you invest in the right tools. Since your e-commerce store is integrated with a digital platform, it allows you to work 24/7 because it connects you with clients who cannot shop physically or with odd working hours/schedules. Moreover, your e-commerce store is integrated with an automatic ordering system that allows customers to purchase products/services and receive confirmation via their contact address.

The other advantage of using an automated ordering system it also helps you to process a high number of orders with ease, thereby generating more profit. Furthermore, it also encourages impulse buying because your ecommerce store platform offers many products and the best alternative that are essential to the buyer through ads.

It promotes your brand to the international level.

Using a digital marketing platform will help to promote your brand to become an international brand because it connects your brand with many audiences from different parts of the world. Selling your brand international is a milestone because it fosters the significance of your services/products, thereby facilitating more profit and keep up with the global market competition.


Bottom line is it can make you happy….      



In conclusion the advantages way out ways any disadvantage we can think of.  So, no matter what level you are at in this the business of ecommerce, beginner, mid-level, to professional never give up persevere, because the end to your hard work is being your own boss.  So, it is all worth, that is just my opinion though, what do you think?


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